Healthcare Provider Information
Find a Doctor Nearby
Search for a healthcare provider near you by local municipality, the closest train station, or even medical field. This website also allows you to search for medical institutions prescribing Chinese medicines.
Japan Council for Quality Health Care
The Japan Council for Quality Health Care is an organization which objectively evaluates the functions of healthcare providers. Search for hospitals certified nationwide on this website.
Japanese Association of Generic and Biosimilar Medicines
This website provides information on generic medications. Search for generic medications or healthcare providers which prescribe generic medications.
Health Information
Japan Health Promotion & Fitness Foundation
This website not only provides information to help you build better health and physical strength but also has programs to support health evaluations and improve your lifestyle.
Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety
This Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety website introduces organizations and businesses as well as provides overviews of its Rosai Hospitals in Japan.
Mental Healthcare
Japan Industrial Counselors Association
The Japan Industrial Counselors Association website provides information about counseling offices nationwide.
The mission of this website is to provide general information about medical care, medications, lifestyles and other relevant content concerning depression and panic disorders.
Long-term Care Information
Elderly Service Providers Association
The Elderly Service Providers Association website provides information on promotion groups and the ESPA elderly service certification system. This website also offers a list of businesses which have acquired the ESPA elderly service certification.
Japan Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities
Japan Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities website provides an overview of the association, explanations about long-term care elderly facilities, and other such information. You can search for facilities which are official members of the Japan Association of Geriatric Health Services Facilities by name, prefecture, type of facility, or other such keywords.
Other Information
Bright Way Co., Ltd.
The Bright Way website provides a wide range of helpful information about pregnancy, birth, infants, toddlers, outings, and living in addition to a message board and columns on raising children.
Japan Walking Association
This website provides information on competitions around the world as well as activities and goods found all over.
Relevant Organizations
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
This is the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website.
National Federation of Health Insurance Societies
This is the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies (Kenporen) website.